In Q2 the Internet Society launched its groundbreaking NetLoss calculator which estimates the economic cost of Internet shutdowns. The news was covered globally and featured in top-tier media outlets, particularly in India. The Internet Society was featured in articles in the Globe & Mail, CBC, The Hill Times, and Gizmodo speaking about legislation that could harm the Internet in Canada. We were also quoted in articles in WIRED and Rolling Stone about application bans in the U.S.
- Week in tech: the cost of internet shutdowns in India (mint lounge)
- Internet Society, Meta partner to grow local Internet ecosystems (Connecting Africa)
- Cresce briga entre operadoras de telefonia e big techs por cobrança de tráfego excessivo na internet (Estadão)
- Internet shutdowns: How they’re hurting India’s economy (Times of India, YouTube)
- Legislation proposed in Utah could block people’s access to critical information on the Internet (RollingStone)
- Internet shutdowns cost $1.9 billion to India in Jan-Jun 2023: Report (CIO Economic Times India)
- Facebook will let U.S., other countries access Canadian news after it blocks Canada (The Globe and Mail)
- When the internet goes dark (New Statesman)